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10th Grade U.S History I Syllabus  

10th Grade U.S History I Syllabus

2018-2019 School Year

Instructor Information



Office Location & Hours

Mrs. Hailey Tarver


Sumter Central High School

Planning Period: 6th 1:05-2:00

General Information


During this school year students will learn about the history of the United States of America beginning at the pre-Columbus Era and ending at the Industrial Revolution. Students will follow the Alabama Course of Study for 10th grade U.S History I and complete all requirements set forth by the state of Alabama.

Students will be expected to follow the classroom rules set forth by the teacher and the school rules set forth by the administration. By the end of the school year, the goal is for the students to have learned information and problem-solving procedures to become a more effective and active citizen. For classroom rules, see attached form.

Course Materials

Required Materials

The following materials are required for this class. I will NOT be giving pencils or paper or any of the other required supplies out every day. These are the materials that you are responsible for bringing with you each day to class.

Ÿ A Binder (This binder will be used for ALL classes. The student should have a section in their binder specifically for this class.)

Ÿ 1 pack of dividers (These will be used to separate materials within the binder specifically for this subject.)

Ÿ Highlighters

Ÿ Black and red pens

Ÿ Pencils (They can either be mechanical or wooden. If they are mechanical, please be sure to have extra lead.)

Ÿ Supply pouch to keep in Binder

Ÿ 1 pack of Index Cards

Ÿ 2 packs of loose leaf paper College Rule

Ÿ A Gmail account (Each student will set up a professional Gmail account (if they do not already have one) to be used for submitting assignments for this class. Students will create the email in class.)

Optional Materials

Students may also have the following materials if they so desire: markers, crayons, colored pencils, scissors, sticky notes, ruler.

These supplies will be available in class for certain projects and lessons that require them. However, supplies are limited and may not cover every student. If the student wishes to have their own of these supplies that is fine.

Required Text

We will be using a text book titled “American History”. These books will be issued out to use in the classroom only. No books will be sent home. This text book is accessible online. Each student will receive a login in and password for the online book.

Course Schedule

This a tentative schedule and is subject to change due to school activities and other circumstances that may cause a change in the course schedule (ex: school delays, inclement weather, homecoming activities, state testing, etc.…)

*Note: CCRS is the state course standard that will be addressed during this lesson.

9 Weeks


Alabama CCRS

1st 9wks

Discovery, Exploration, and Colonization of the Americas

American Revolution

Standards 1-4

2nd 9wks

Constitutional Period and the New Republic

Era of Good Feelings

Jacksonian Democracy and Expansion

Standards 4-10

3rd 9wks

Antebellum Reform

Civil War and Reconstruction

Standards 11-15

4th 9wks

Settlement of the West and Populism

Gilded Age, Industrialization and Immigration

Standards 15 and 16

Exam Schedule

Assessment Type



Students will take a quiz each Friday. The quiz will consist of material and information covered during the week.


Students will take a test at the end of each month.

Final Exams

Final Exams will be given at the end of each semester. Times and dates for these will be given closer to the end of the semesters.

Additional Information and Resources


For homework, students will be expected to finish assignments not completed in class and to study/review the information covered for that day. Separate homework assignments will only be given if necessary and to the teacher’s discretion. Meaning if the teacher feels that more reading or work is needed for enrichment and/or understanding of the topic/subject, then the teacher will assign specific topic related homework.

Cell Phone Policy:

Students are not allowed to use cell phones in the classroom UNLESS the teacher has planned for them to be used as part of the lesson. There are days when certain projects will require research. The students may only use their cell phones and/or other electronic device if the teacher allows it for certain learning exercises and/or projects. If the students are caught using the cell phone and/or other electronic device without permission, there will be consequences for those actions.

              1st time: phone taken until the end of the period and Parental contact.

              2nd time: phone taken until the end of the day/discipline referral and Parental contact.

3rd time+: After the first and second time the phone will be taken and given to administration along with a discipline referral and Parental contact.

Food and Drink Policy:

No students are to have food or drinks in the room. Students with medical issues that require food/drink at certain times may have them with a written doctor excuse. Students may have food and drink if the teacher has given permission.

Tardy and Attendance Policy:

Students who are tardy more than 3 times will be written up and parent/guardians contacted. When a student is tardy 3 times, that will equal 1 unexcused absence.

Students who are found to be skipping will be written up automatically and parent/guardians will be contacted. Skipping class will not be tolerated for any reason.

Students who are absent will need to bring an excuse the day the return. Students who do not bring an excuse will not be able to make up work that was completed the day they were absent.

Contacting the Teacher:

If you need to contact me, you may call the school at 205-652-1501. My planning period is 6th period which is from 1:05 to 2:00. I can only meet with parents during the time.

I can also be reached by email. My emails are listed at the top of the front page of the syllabus.

I also have Remind 101. There are two ways to add yourself to my class.

              If you already have the Remind 101 app:

                             *Go into the app and select Join Class

                             *Enter the code @tarverus1

              If you do not have the Remind 101 app:

                             *In text messages, send the message @tarverus1 to 81010

                             * You will receive messages through texting or you can follow the link and download the app.

9th Grade World History Syllabus  

9th Grade World History Syllabus

2018-2019 School Year

Instructor Information



Office Location & Hours

Mrs. Hailey Tarver


Sumter Central High School

Planning Period: 6th 1:05-2:00

General Information


During this school year students will learn about the history of the development of major countries and movements throughout the world. The students will begin at the Renaissance and Reformation and end with present day world events. Students will follow the Alabama Course of Study for 9th grade World History and complete all requirements set forth by the state of Alabama.

Students will be expected to follow the classroom rules set forth by the teacher and the school rules set forth by the administration. By the end of the school year, the goal is for the students to have learned information and problem-solving procedures to become a more effective and active citizen. For classroom rules, see attached form.

Course Materials

Required Materials

The following materials are required for this class. I will NOT be giving pencils or paper or any of the other required supplies out every day. These are the materials that you are responsible for bringing with you each day to class.

Ÿ A Binder (This binder will be used for ALL classes. The student should have a section in their binder specifically for this class.)

Ÿ 1 pack of dividers (These will be used to separate materials within the binder specifically for this subject.)

Ÿ Highlighters

Ÿ Black and red pens

Ÿ Pencils (They can either be mechanical or wooden. If they are mechanical, please be sure to have extra lead.)

Ÿ Supply pouch to keep in Binder

Ÿ 2 packs of loose leaf paper College Rule

Ÿ A Gmail account (Each student will set up a professional Gmail account (if they do not already have one) to be used for submitting assignments for this class. Students will create the email in class.)

Optional Materials

Students may also have the following materials if they so desire: markers, crayons, colored pencils, scissors, sticky notes, ruler.

These supplies will be available in class for certain projects and lessons that require them. However, supplies are limited and may not cover every student. If the student wishes to have their own of these supplies that is fine.

Required Text

We will be using a text book titled “World History”. These books will be issued out to use in the classroom only. No books will be sent home. This text book is accessible online. Each student will receive a login in and password for the online book.

Course Schedule

This a tentative schedule and is subject to change due to school activities and other circumstances that may cause a change in the course schedule (ex: school delays, inclement weather, homecoming activities, state testing, etc.…)

*Note: CCRS is the state course standard that will be addressed during this lesson.

9 Weeks


Alabama CCRS

1st 9wks

Renaissance, European Exploration, Reformation, Global Age

Standards 1-4

2nd 9wks

Absolutism and Constitutionalism

Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment,

Revolutions in France, Latin America, and North America

Industrial Revolution and Urbanization of western world

Standards 5-10

3rd 9wks

European nationalism

World War I

Post-World War I

World War II

Standards 11-15

4th 9wks

Post-World War II

Present day role of nationalism, militarism, and civil war

Emerging Democracies

Standards 15 and 17

Exam Schedule

Assessment Type



Students will take a quiz each Friday. The quiz will consist of material and information covered during the week.


Students will take a test at the end of each month.

Final Exams

Final Exams will be given at the end of each semester. Times and dates for these will be given closer to the end of the semesters.

Additional Information and Resources


For homework, students will be expected to finish assignments not completed in class and to study/review the information covered for that day. Separate homework assignments will only be given if necessary and to the teacher’s discretion. Meaning if the teacher feels that more reading or work is needed for enrichment and/or understanding of the topic/subject, then the teacher will assign specific topic related homework.

Cell Phone Policy:

Students are not allowed to use cell phones in the classroom UNLESS the teacher has planned for them to be used as part of the lesson. There are days when certain projects will require research. The students may only use their cell phones and/or other electronic device if the teacher allows it for certain learning exercises and/or projects. If the students are caught using the cell phone and/or other electronic device without permission, there will be consequences for those actions.

              1st time: phone taken until the end of the period and Parental contact.

              2nd time: phone taken until the end of the day/discipline referral and Parental contact.

3rd time+: After the first and second time the phone will be taken and given to administration along with a discipline referral and Parental contact.

Food and Drink Policy:

No students are to have food or drinks in the room. Students with medical issues that require food/drink at certain times may have them with a written doctor excuse. Students may have food and drink if the teacher has given permission.

Tardy and Attendance Policy:

Students who are tardy more than 3 times will be written up and parent/guardians contacted. When a student is tardy 3 times, that will equal 1 unexcused absence.

Students who are found to be skipping will be written up automatically and parent/guardians will be contacted. Skipping class will not be tolerated for any reason.

Students who are absent will need to bring an excuse the day the return. Students who do not bring an excuse will not be able to make up work that was completed the day they were absent.

Contacting the Teacher:

If you need to contact me, you may call the school at 205-652-1501. My planning period is 6th period which is from 1:05 to 2:00. I can only meet with parents during the time.

I can also be reached by email. My emails are listed at the top of the front page of the syllabus.

I also have Remind 101. There are two ways to add yourself to my class.

              If you already have the Remind 101 app:

                             *Go into the app and select Join Class

                             *Enter the code @mrstarverw

              If you do not have the Remind 101 app:

                             *In text messages, send the message @mrstarverw to 81010

                             * You will receive messages through texting or you can follow the link and download the app.